








to be pumped. In the case of both gravity feed and suction operation venting must be carried out via the hole on the upper suction elbow. In the ease of suction operation the pump must additionally be evaeuated(a vacuum must be created).

     2. Running:

     1 ) . As soon as the pump starts to deliver this can be recognized by the rising gauge presstire slowly open the delivery, gate valve fully.

     2). All additional connections for cooling, heating, lubrication irrigation or sealing liquid ete, if fitted, must be opened fully or switched on and the flow must be checked.

     3)  . Screw homogenizenously the nuts on the pump packing gland so as to the leakage of liquid is little, at the same time, pay more attention to the packing ease temperature rising.

     4) . Prolonged operation against a closed shut- off element is not permitted in order to prevent the medium handled from heating up.

     5). At room temperatures of up to 30the bearing temperature should not exceed 90. At higher room temperature the bearing temperature should be below 100.

     6)  . If the pump features oil-lubricated bearings, the correct oil level must be verified at regular.

     7). If the flexible coupling elements begin to show signs of wear, they should be replaced in clue time.

     8) . If the liquid for sealing, cooling and lubricating is taken from an external source, the pressure must be 1.0 to 2.0 bar higher than at the suction nozzle. The gland packing(if the pump is fitted with one) should drip slightly during operation. The gland should only be gently tightened.

     3. Stopping

     1 ). While stopping the pump running, first turn off the brake valve on the discharge pipe passage way.

     2)  . Close the auxiliary connections. The shaft seal in pumps where the liquid is fed in under vacuum must also be lubricated with sealing liquid during standstill.

     3). In the eve.nt of frost and/or prolonged shutdowns, the pump and if applicable the cooling chambers must be drained or otherwise protected against freezing.

      4) . Pumps handling liquids posing health hazards must be dreeontaminated. When draining the edium see to it that there is no risk to persons or the environment.

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