



















    Samely,  for the pump set with common bedplate. Fit the pre- assembled set with foun- dation bolts loosely inserted in the cut- outs in the foundation and align. There must be a 4- 5cm gap between the top of the foundation and the bottom of the baseframe. Precisely align the set using the adjusting screws and check alignment on the coupling. Others you can refer to the above mention methods.

ⅩⅢ.Starting, Stopping and Running

    1. Starting:

    1) . Before starting up the pump make sure that  the  following  requirements  have  been checked and fulfilled.

    a) . Has the pump been firmly bolted to the base/foundation?

    b) . Have the coupling and pump unit been aligned as specified?

    c). Are the pipes properly fitted?

    d). Can the unit be easily rotated by hand at the coupling?  (Carry out at least one full rotation)

    e) . Has lubrication been provided for oil -lubricated bearings?

    2) Before the pump is started up, it and the pipes must be vented and filled with the liquid to be pumped. In the case of both gravity feed and suction operation venting must be carried out via the hole on the upper suction elbow. In the case

of suction operation the upum must additionally be evacuated(a vacuum must be created).

    2. Running:

    1) . As soon as the pump starts to deliver this can be recognized by the rising gauge pressure slowly open the delivery gate valve fully.

    2). All additional connections for cooling, heating, lubrication irrigation or sealing liquid etc, if fitted, must be opened fully or switched on and the flow must be checked.

    3). Screw homogenizenously the nuts on the pump packing gland so as to the leakage of liquid is little, at the same time, pay more attention to the packing case temperature rising.

    4). Prolonged operation against a closed shut-off element is not permitted in order to prevent the medium handled from heating up.

    5). At room temperatures of up to 30 the bearing temperature should not exceed 90. At higher room temperature the bearing temperature should be below 1O0.

    6). If the pump features oil-lubricated

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