
十二、安  裝














tion of rotation;

  3. Heat the deep groove ball bearing and fit it onto the shaft (sleeve) ;

  4. For compensate differences in thermal expansion between pump shaft and the components fitted on it. Tension the rotor parts elastically with groove nut and disc spring. For this purpose tension the disc spring to blocking point and then undo the grooved nut again by half a turn 180.

Ⅻ. Installation

  1. Chech whether the pump and the motor are in good condition;

  2. The concrete foundation must have been set hard and the surface must be smooth and flat;

  3. Loosely insert the foundation bolts in the baseplate. Position the pump set on the pump set on the foundation and align using a spirit level placed on the shaft or discharge nozzle. Shims must always be fitted to the left and right of the foundation bolts in close proximity to the bolts, between the baseplate or foundation frame and the foundation itself.

  4. After alignment,  grout in the foundation bolts using cement mortar. When the mortar has been set hard, uniformly tighten up the bolts and re- cheek the alignment. Grout in the baseplate (non- shrinking mortar is highly recommend-ed), ensuring that no cavities remain.

  5. After the eoneret solidifed, again correct the coaxial degree in the exeircle of the two couplings, the error of the correction is not more than 0.1mm, the allowable error of the inhomogeneous degree of the endfaee clearance along the circle is 0.3mm,  Re-inspect the correct prieision after tightening the foot unts,  finally, pour eoncret fuly nuder the foot of the pump and the motor except the around of the wedge shaped cushion.

  6. After cheek the rotary direction of the motor which is now in keeping with that of the pump, you can install the connecting parallel pin of the coupling.

  7. The inlet pipe and outlet pipe should be supported by a brasket instead of the pump easing.

  Above all the mentioned methods and requirements are suitable for the pump set without common bedplate.

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