
2.2 Assembly of directly connected structure pump

After the electrical axle shaft coupling on the correct position, set tight the screws, and set the engine on the shelf tightly. Then fix components such as the pump bearing, engine cover, pump cover, impeller and shafts. Finally load the pump body, secure bolts and screw on the demolition screws.






2.3 Assembly of the pumps with intermediate shaft coupling

a. Assembly of intermediate shaft couplings. After the block oil basin, bearings, are in the shaft, lock the round nut and put into the shaft body, then load bearings gland and pumps cover, adjust bearings windage (O.05-0.10mm), load machinery seal, impeller, etc, and park impeller nut, and then load the shaft coupling in the other side and lock the round nut.

b. After the pump body is fixed seal ring, install the turning body parts to the pump body components

c. c.Electrical shaft coupling will be loaded, fixed after the position is adjusted well and then loaded onto the middle device, then the entire electrical components installed in racks.

d. d.Loaded other components such as flexible sets of pillars sales shaft and gauge

2.4 拆卸和裝配程序相反。

2.4 Dismantling procedures are contrary with the assembly ones.


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