The pump component parts are impeller, pumphouse,pump covers, discharging valve, etc. The pump revolution is drove by the diesel engine through the pump shaft directly. Pump water-exit direction can be changed because the revolution scope of the discharging valve is 180 degree.

     The self-palming function is carded out by the vane pump and it outfitted the clutch controlled by handle and the V-belt driven by the diesel engine, to outgoing the air in the suction fine, generate vacuity and to achieve in the end when spraying of the discharge opening for the water guider, meantime the clutch can self-reset soon alter easing off the handle and the stop cock of lhe water guider can self shut off.

1.pumphouse   2.belt wheel

3.tensioner  4.water guiding handle

5.cover of oil cup  6.oil cup

7.belt cover.

4.Operating method:

  1)Preparing before starting: Must read earnestly and particularly the ‘Diesel Engine operating Instruction' and ‘CWY Type Diesel Engine Fire Pump Operating Instruction' to know and mastery the pump unit operating method before staring.

  Check the L/O of the Diesel Engine and make sure the oil quantity should be kept in between upper and lower margin fine. Must use the CC-CD class L/O. Using the CC30 or CD30 in the summertime, and using .the CC20W/20 or CD20W/20 in the wintertime.

  Check the Diesel Engine oil tank capacity and make sure use the fight oil and Max. oil capacity can not exceed the red limit mark. Don't let the ash or water going into the oil tank. Inspect make sure the electric circuit up to grade.

  Check the oil cup oil qtmntity water guider, it does not allows to operate when without oil.

Full fill L/O in the lacuna of the mechanical shaft seals to avoid dry friction.

  Fit suction line, discharge hose and water wheel and shut off deasil the discharge valve. The highest point of the suction water pipe can not exceed the suction opening to avoid the air go into and form air-bag.

  2)Start the Diesel Engine:

  Turn on the switch of D.O. tank.

  To remove the Diesel Engine timing control handle to the middle location follow the direction of 'Operation' position.

  Hand draw start: the right hand hold closely the start handle and slowlydraw until it can not be drew, at this time, sent out the handle and let it reset slowly, then press decompress handle and loose slowly. Hold closely the start handle, stain the rope, amain draw apart the rope (use both hands if necessary) . The diesel engine completing start in this moment. Should it could not be started, repeat again. Increasing the speed in 2-3 minutes after starting except for emergency.

      Note: if electrical starting, please read the Diesel Engine operating Instruction'

     Using the electric start in the condition without affecting the safety, run the start switch snob to start the diesel engine. (In the occasion forbidding using the storage battery: the diesel engine unit not allow to outfit the storage battery starting system.) .

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