









5.procedure in disassembly, installation,oilsealing and sesling off

H, Disassembly

   when inspecting and repairing the interior of pump the thickness of sheet gaskets between nozzle and pump body must be recorded during disassembIyo

I. Installation

(1)wash and clean all the parts before instailationo

(2)The thickness of sheet gaskets between nozzle and pump boby buting reinstallation

must be the same with that before installation.

I, Oil sealing and sealing off

(1)Pump must be oil sealed wheu laying aside for a long period.

(2)In oii sealing, first dry up a11 the parts, coat a11 the finishing surfaces with vaseline and coat red lead paint for those unfinishing surfaces inside, then plug the inlet and outlet of the pump.

(3) In sealing off, take away the plug, clean it with vasoline by oil-sucked cotton.

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