










E、working process

  First check the sealing condition of a11 the piping systemthen open the valve on water tube a little to vent the air in the mixing chamber After that,open all the valve on inlet tube and water tube widely to make the injection water pump operate normally under norminal working condition。

F、A11 round observation

(1)Check the sealing condition in all the joinst and connectionsno leakage should be found。

(2)if deterioration in performance is foundcheck the sealing condition in inlet part and chedk if there is clog wirhin the pump,or if the nozzle is worn


(1)Close the valve on pump and inlet tube after operation

(2)keep the interior of pump clean after stopping,clean the clog such as mug and salt and other foreign substance。

(3)Oil seal the pump when laying aside fer a long period。

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