
  Quantity of flow of the pump should be kept within the allowable extent recommended by the manufactureThis extent is generally 50to 120of the rated quantity of flow


  Take care of the temperature rise of the bearingsSurface temperature of the beatings should not exceed 75℃,while the temperature rise should not exceed 35℃


    After the pump is stopped,the outlet valve should be turned offIf power supply fails suddenly during operation,the power switch should be turned off first and then turn off the outlet valve



    The filler should be installed at the inlet pipe to prevent the non-return valve in the pump body from being blocked by rubbish


  During operation take care all the time whether extraordinary vibration noise exists


  If the pump is going to be out of use for a long time,the screw plug at the bottom ofthe pump body should be unscrewed to let the inside water out.


  Lubricating grease should be added to the bearing of the pump every three monthsThe surface of the ball bearings should be examined whether exfohation occurs after every 10,000 hours of useReplace the bails when necessary


  The situatiOn of wear and tear and corrode of the seal ring of the valve on the pump body and the pumP cover should be examined for every year,replace the seal ring when necessary


  The machinery sealing should be examined for every years,replace it wnen necessary

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