

    The CLLa serine Marine Vertical Centrifugal Pump Call be direct vertical setup on the baseThe higher part of the bracket installed the motor,and the lower part link to the pump or the baseand there is a relativity big window at the side, it is conveniently to overhaul the bearing framethe pump covering,vane whirl and so on,iust direct dismantle the middle couplingand dismantle these wholly, without dismantle the pump,pipeline,motor and the bracket


    The pump shaft seal use machinery sealing with hard alloy to hard alloy grit (or hard alloy to cermet grit)When the media transferred contain relatively more siltafter separate and purify,the liquid will be entry the sealed cavity to wash up,then the service life of the machinery sealing in the sealed cavity will be extendWhen there is normally let out of the machinery sealingCan link up the line at the higher part ofthe pump cover to guide out the liquid


    The pump adopt deep ditch ball bearing or angle to contact to ball bearing,alld the oil to lubricate


    Drive adopt elasticity post coupler,and set a middle shaft coupling for conveniently dismantle

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