made of swirl wheel, installed between outer  diaphragm  plate and inner  diaphragm  plate.

  The pump may de working  dy self-suction, prior to  first  starting it should fill up the pumpbocy( 1 )with water, since the position for pump suction pipe and pump discharge pipe are also higher  than than of pumpdody, so that it ensures accumu-lating water in the pumpbody chamber after the pump was stopped, and while the pump was  started again, it can be operated by self-suction actiou without filling up with water.


  pumps for all types use mechanical sealing  gland, and  its  leakage per hour is less than 10 ml.

  71.5 CWX-2A1.5 CWX-21.5CWX-4A1.5CWX-4其主要性能相同,但結(jié)合有異。1.5CWX-2/4 A型泵帶托架,具有工作平穩(wěn),使用壽命長的優(yōu)點(diǎn)。托架內(nèi)灌入20*機(jī)油或相近的潤滑油以潤滑滾動軸承油位應(yīng)在探針的刻度之間,一般情況下,每半年更換一次,1.5CWX-2/4型泵與電機(jī)直聯(lián),具有外形體積小,重量輕,結(jié)構(gòu)簡單的優(yōu)點(diǎn)。

  The main characteristics of pumps model 1.5CWX-2A, 1.5CWX-2 ,1.5CWX-4A and 1.5CWX-4 are of the same, but different  in construction. The pump model 1.5CWX-2/4A has bracket, and  has  the advantages for  operating  smoothly  and  longer  uselife. 1hto the bracket Should fill with engine oil NO.20 or similar lubricating oil so as to lubricate the  ball-bearing(16), the  height for oil levrl should be filled to between the scales of probc. In uormal conditions, the oil should be replaced at every 6 months. The  pump model 1.5CWX-2/4 coonnects to the motor directly  and has  the advantagcs of smaller outer dimension, lighter weight and simoler construction.

Instruction for operation


  preparation and maintenance for operation prior to starting:


   It should fill up the  pump with water befoie the first starting,and if the pimp has operated for sometimes, filling with water is not required, but it should epen the sucion valve  and the pressing-discharge valve.

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