1.5һM(jn)ڏ25(sh)ֵCһñ, WX-xu2-D(zhun)(sh)1OA-һθM(jn)м֧
The electromotiv
centrifugal swirl Pumps model 1.5CWX-2A,1.5CWX-4A, 1.5CWX-2 and 1.5CWX-4 are supPlied for marine Plant in pumPing
fresh and sea water for drinking, washing aed for sanitation
The meaning for the model of pump, for example, to the
1.5CWX-2A is:
effective value for inlet and cutlet diameters divided by25;
C-marine Pump;
WX centrifugal swirl pump
2--sPecific reVolution divided by 10;
A-the first modification, supported by bracket, |