shell of bearings should not exceed 75℃,while the temperature of bearings should not exceed 35℃



    During operation,pay attention to whether extraordinary vibration&noise exists all the time


    If the pump stops to put into use for a long time,the screw plug at the bosom of the pump body should be unscrewed SO as to drain waterIn the meantimethe screw nut at the boRom of the separator should be unscrewed so as to check whether the routeway is jammed or not and make clean,fitting back and tighten after checking


    Lubricating grease should be added to the bearing of the pump every three monthsThe surface of the ball bearings should be examined whether exfoliation occurs after every 10,000 hoursReplace the bearing when necessary


    Annual interval inspection to impeller,sealing rings and mechanical sealing should be effected and check whether excessive wear and tear or corrosion occurs,replace them when necessary

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