
 51使用中的維護保養(yǎng)Maintenance of the pumps in use


    The filler should be installed at the inlet pipe to prevent the non-return valve in the pump body from being blocked by rubbish


    During operation take care all the time whether extraordinary vibration nome exists


    If the pump is going to be out of use for a long thinthe screw plug at the bottom of the pump body should beun screwed to let the in side water out.


    Lubricating grease should be added to the bearings ofthe pump every three monthsThe surface of the ball bearings should be examined whether exfoliation occurs after every 10000 hours of useReplace the balls when necessary

52定期檢修Periodic repairs


    Lubricating grease should be added to the ball bearings of the pump every six monthsThe surface of the ball should be exzmined whether exfoliation occurs after every 10000 hours ofuseReplace tbeballs when necessary

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