
    Before the pump is started for first timethe screw plug at the top of the pump body must be removed and the pump bodv must be filled up with waterOperation without water filled upinto the pump body is forbidden


    Switch on the motor for an instantExamine whether its revolution direction is same as indicated on the pump body


    If soft filler seal is employedtighten the filler sufficiently before starting the pumpto avoid air leakage during seN-sucking


    If no water is discharged after four minute’s operation at rated speedstop the pumpandexamineit

    42運(yùn)轉(zhuǎn)中注意的問(wèn)題precaution during operation


    After the pumpbegins to discharge watet adjust gradually the outlet valve until the Specified outlet pressure is reached



    If filler seal is employedthe filler should not be pressed too hardAfter the pump is started,the filler should be loosened sufficientlyWhen the pump has been operated for a period of timethe filler seal can be pressed gradually until the leakage appears as drops


    Quantity of flow of the pumpshould be kept withinthe allowable extent recommended by the manufacturerThis extent is generally 50to 120of the rated quantity of flowTake care that the pump Can’t be long operated with the outlet valve turned off


    Take care of the temperature rise of the bearingsSurface temperature of the bearings should not exceed 75℃while the temperature rise should not exceed 35℃

    4. 2.5停車(chē)后應(yīng)關(guān)閉出口閥。在運(yùn)轉(zhuǎn)中如遇突然停電,則應(yīng)先切斷電源然后關(guān)閉出口閥。

    After the pump is stoppedthe outlet valve should be turned off.If power supply fails suddenly during operationthe power switch should be turned off firstand then turn off the outlet valve

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